Terms and Conditions


Access to the Website is subject to the following Terms and Conditions.


1.           Definitions & Interpretation

1.1.       Definitions

Unless the context requires otherwise, words and phrases beginning with a capital letter in these Terms and Conditions have the following meaning:


Advertisement means a listing by a Member on the Website to sell an Item;


Applicable Laws means any applicable laws (including orders, by-laws and regulations) in the jurisdiction in which you, the Item and any User that you are interacting with are located or which in any way govern or affect the listing and/or sale of an Item or a User’s use of the Website;


FAQs means the Frequently Asked Questions contained on the Website;


Intellectual Property means all Website Material and literary, artistic works and other copyright works, processes, designs, and any other platform developed by RMA, and the source code for the Website and those platforms and any application or right to apply for registration of any of these rights and whether developed before or after the date of these Terms and Conditions in the Commonwealth of Australia or throughout the world;


Item means any item (such as livestock or land) which a Member lists on the Website as an Advertisement;


Loss means any loss, liability, cost (including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis), charge, expense, tax or damage of any nature whatsoever, including lost profits, loss of goodwill, loss of business, loss of production and any other special, incidental, exemplary, compensatory or consequential damages, losses or expenses (howsoever arising or caused, including, without limitation, negligence); 


Member means a member of RMA’s network being a livestock agent, licensed real estate agent or other member admitted to access the “Member” section of the Website;


Member Terms and Conditions means the terms and conditions governing access by Members to the Website;


our, us and we means RMA;


Privacy Policy means the Privacy Policy accessible on the Website;


RMA means Rural Marketing Agents Ltd (ACN 003 418 853);


Terms and Conditions means these terms and conditions and any additional terms, conditions, notices and disclaimers displayed on the Website;


User means any individual or entity who uses or accesses the Website, including without limitation Members;


Website means www.rma.com.au including the Website Material and its related services, products, websites, tools and applications; 


Website Material means all content and data which make up the Website; and


you and your means a User. 1.2. Interpretation

In these Terms and Conditions, unless inconsistent with the context or subject matter:


(a) a reference to a person includes any other legal entity and vice versa;


(b) words importing the singular number include the plural number and vice versa;



(c) a reference to a party includes the party's heirs, executors, successors and permitted assigns; (d) headings are for reference purposes only;

(e) where any word or phrase is given a defined meaning any other part of speech or other grammatical form concerning the word or phrase has a corresponding meaning;


(f) references to writing include any mode of representing or reproducing words in tangible and permanently visible form, and includes e-mail;


(g) unless otherwise stated, all references on the Website and in the Terms and Conditions to a monetary amount is a reference to an Australian dollar currency amount; and


(h) an obligation of two or more parties binds them jointly and each of them severally.


2.           Scope of Terms

2.1 .     These Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy form the basis on which the User may access and use our Website. If the User is a Member, the User are also bound by the Member Terms and Conditions.  


2.2 .     Access to the Website is subject to these Terms and Conditions contained herein to the exclusion of anything to the contrary.  


2.3 .     The Website is owned and operated by RMA.


2.4 .     A User is deemed to have agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions if the User browses Website Material or otherwise accesses the Website.  


2.5 .     Should a User object to any Terms and Conditions, that User should immediately cease all use of, and access to, the Website.  


2.6 .  RMA reserves the right to amend, vary, alter the Terms and Conditions at any time, by publishing or updating the Terms and Conditions on the Website without notice to the User. Each time the User uses the Website they should revisit the Terms and Conditions as the User’s continued access of the Website constitutes the User’s agreement to the then latest Terms and Conditions published.


2.7 .     Please note that the Website Material allows Users to enter personal information (such as name and contact details). RMA will use this information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


3.           Previous Dealings

3.1.     Previous dealings between RMA and the User shall not have any effect on these Terms and Conditions.  


4.           Your Account

4.1 . To access and use the Website, you may need to register with us and set up an account with your email address and a password. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and you are liable for all activities that happen under your account, even if you do not authorise such activities. You must keep secret and secure all usernames and passwords in relation to the Website and not allow any other person to have access to your account.


4.2 .     Please contact RMA immediately if you believe your account with RMA has been compromised or misused in any way.


5.           Use of Website

5.1 . The Website is available only to, and may only be used by, persons who can form legally binding contracts under Applicable Laws. Without limiting the foregoing, the Website is not available to persons under 18 years of age. If you do not qualify, please do not use the Website.


5.2 .     The Website provides an online introduction service between Users and Members, as well as providing informative and relevant content in the rural livestock and property industry. 

5.3 .    The User is solely responsible for their information that they transmit through the Website, as RMA acts as a passive conduit for the distribution and publication of User information.


5.4 . The User agrees and acknowledges that by accessing the Website, they will only use the Website for the Website's intended purpose and must not use it for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms and Conditions. 


5.5 . The User may not use this Website in a manner which could damage, disable, overburden or impair the Website or interfere with any other Users’ use and enjoyment of the Website.


5.6 . The User agrees and acknowledges that access to the Website is limited to general information purposes  and the User shall not use, distribute or reproduce the Website Material for any other purpose, whether it be for a commercial or financial purpose.  


5.7 . Website Material is provided solely for reference purposes. Details supplied on the Website may not be appropriate or correct for the User’s specific circumstances and should not be relied upon and the User warrants that they have not relied upon such information.  


5.8 . The User acknowledges that any transactions resulting from use of the Website will be with the Member directly, and will be completely independent from RMA.


5.9 . Any arrangement in relation to a transaction, including a cancellation or refund, must be arranged with a Member directly. RMA is not a party to any transaction between a User and an Member, even if RMA offers any sort of dispute resolution assistance in its discretion.  


5.10  . The User’s use of the Website, and the information the User provides to RMA (including by transmission through the Website), must not:


a) be false, inaccurate or misleading; b) be fraudulent or deceptive;

c)        infringe any third party’s copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, intellectual property or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy;


d)        violate any Applicable Laws (including those governing consumer protection, unfair competition, criminal law or antidiscrimination);


e)        be defamatory, trade libellous, unlawfully discriminatory, threatening or harassing; f)      be obscene;

g)        contain comments of a religious, political or social nature;


h)        contain any viruses or otherwise affect the integrity, operation or security of the Website; 


i)         create liability for us or cause us to lose (in whole or in part) the services or custom of our internet service provider, other Users or other suppliers;


j)         damage the credibility or integrity of the Website or RMA, or dilute, tarnish, or otherwise harm our brand in any way;  


k)        breach or violate any of RMA’s policies;  


l)         link directly or indirectly to or include anything that:


(i)          the User does not have a right to link to or include, or (ii)            could cause RMA to violate any Applicable Laws;

m)       copy, store or otherwise access or use any information contained on the Website for purposes not expressly permitted by these Terms and Conditions;

n)    use the Website for any purposes that are not permitted by these Terms and Conditions or in any   way that is inconsistent with the purpose of the Website, or in a manner that falsely implies RMA endorsement, partnership or otherwise misleads others as to the User’s affiliation with RMA;


o)        use the Website in connection with the distribution of unsolicited commercial email ("spam");


p) "stalk" or harass any other User or Member, or collect or store any personally identifiable information about any other User other than for the sole purpose of transacting through the Website in compliance with these Terms and Conditions.


5.11  . If RMA enables the User to connect to the Website using a third-party service (e.g. Facebook or Google+), the User hereby grants RMA permission to access, store, and use the User’s information from that service as permitted by that service and as may be described in the Privacy Policy.  


6.           Advertisements on the Website

6.1 . The User may access the Website to view Advertisements and other general information we make available to the User. If the User is interested in an Item listed, the User may contact the respective Member using the form on the Website, phone or any other means accessible through the Website.


6.2 .     The User acknowledges and agrees that:


a) RMA does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, currency or reliability of Advertisements. The User must make their own investigation into the accuracy of Advertisements. For example, RMA does not warrant that:


(i)          the Member selling the Item has the legal authority to sell that Item;  


(ii)         the Item is free and clear of security interests (as that term is defined under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth)) and other encumbrances;  


(iii)        the Item is actually in existence; and


(iv)        the price stated for an Item on the Website is correct.    


b)    any communications entered into between  the User and the  Member are done at the User’s own  risk;


c) RMA provides a platform only for the sale and purchase of Items and is not responsible for any negotiations or disputes arising as the result of an Advertisement or listing, and is not in any way in partnership or otherwise associated with any Member or User;  


d) RMA is not a party to any arrangement between the User and the Member. As a result, RMA has no control over, and do not ensure, guarantee or provide any warranty or indemnity in respect of the quality, fitness for purpose, legality, accuracy, completeness or otherwise of:


(i)          any Items;  


(ii)         any information provided by Users and Members to each other; (iii)        the ability of the parties to undertake their respective obligations; (iv)      the fees charged by Members; 

e)   RMA does not have any knowledge of the livestock, real estate or other Items advertised for sale on the Website and therefore RMA is not responsible for providing advice in respect of any Items in Advertisements. It is the responsibility of the User to ensure that Items are suitable for their intended purpose, are of good quality, and information provided by the Member is correct;


f)  RMA takes no responsibility for the Members compliance with any Applicable Laws, and whilst RMA may require Members to warrant that they have complied with any Applicable Laws, the Member may not have actually complied with any Applicable Laws, which may create problems for the User in the future;

g)        in the event the User purchases an Item, the Item may have defects. 


6.3 .     RMA strongly encourages the User to conduct enquiries and undertake an inspection of goods Items prior to a purchase in order to ensure that information displayed on an Advertisement is accurate.


6.4 .     RMA is not responsible for any loss or damage experienced by any User in the event that a product is inaccurately described by a Member or information is misleading.


7.           Feedback System

7.1 .     Each time a User engages with a Member through the Website, the User may be given an opportunity to review the Member.    


7.2 .     Reviews must be honest and accurate, and not contain unlawful or objectionable content, including but not limited to, reviews containing defamatory, libellous, abusive, or obscene language.


7.3 .     RMA reserves the right not to publish reviews, to amend content of reviews at any time and to remove reviews from the Website without notice at RMA’s sole discretion.


7.4 . RMA is in no way responsible or liable for the information that  is contained in the reviews and does not  make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or reliability of any information or content that is published in the review. RMA is under no obligation to remove any review, and the User agrees that we  are not liable under any laws (including defamation and misleading and deceptive conduct) simply through the publication of reviews about the User on the Website.


8.           Access and Termination

8.1.     RMA reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to remove or disable access to this Website or any part of it for any reason.


9.           Intellectual Property

9.1 . The parties agree and acknowledge that all Intellectual Property remains the absolute property of RMA on and from its creation, subject to the rights of any Member set out under the Member Terms and Conditions, and that no right, title or interest in any of the Intellectual Property is transferred or granted to the User, except so far as expressly stated in these terms.  


9.2 . Subject to the User’s compliance with these Terms and Conditions, RMA grants the User a limited,  revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to download and install a copy of any application RMA develops that is connected to the Website, on each mobile device or computer that the User owns or controls and use such application solely for the User’s own personal use.


9.3 .     The User acknowledges and agrees that:


a)  they will not use any Intellectual Property  other than for the sole purpose  contemplated by the  Website and these Terms and Conditions, and they must not use the Website Material, the Website or any related content in a manner which infringes the copyright, moral rights or any other intellectual property rights of any third party;


b) they will not copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create derivative works, or publicly display our Intellectual Property except with our prior written permission or the appropriate third party authorised to grant such permission and when doing so they must adequately acknowledge RMA and, in the case of websites, include a link from their website to RMA’s Website;


c)   in the event they provide RMA with any information, they grant RMA an irrevocable, non-exclusive  right to distribute that information in any way that RMA considers appropriate (provided such distribution is consistent with the purpose of the Website);


d) when they provide RMA with information, RMA may receive additional related data, such as the time, date and place the User provided the information and RMA owns that related data; and


e)      RMA is not liable or responsible for any loss that the User may experience in submitting information to RMA or for RMA's use of the User’s information in any way RMA deems appropriate.


9.4 .     RMA may in its sole and absolute discretion refuse or remove any information from the Website.

10.         Relationship of Parties

10.1. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions or the User’s use of the Website establishes or creates a joint venture, partnership, consortium, franchise, employment or agency relationship between RMA and Users.


11.         Warranties

11.1  . The User warrants that the User:


a)        has the authority to enter into these Terms and Conditions; b)        has read the FAQs prior to accessing the Website Material;  

c)        will monitor and regularly attend to reviewing these Terms and Conditions and the FAQs; and d)           will comply with its obligations under these Terms and Conditions.  

11.2  . The parties agree and acknowledge that any breach by the User of the warranties contained in clause 11.1 will be considered a material breach of these Terms and Conditions.  


12.         Disclaimer

12.1  . Because RMA is not a party to any transactions between Users, in the event that a User has a dispute with a Member, the User releases and holds RMA (and our officers, directors, agents, related entities, related bodies corporate, employees and contractors) harmless from actions, claims, demands and Losses of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with transactions entered into by Users and Members.   


12.2  . The User agrees and acknowledges that any of the information contained on the Website including but not limited to the Website Material is not professional, legal, financial, investment or real estate advice or a formal recommendation of any kind.  


12.3  . RMA does not have a practice of monitoring or making enquiries about any content provided by a Member nor does any such content represent any endorsement by RMA.  


12.4  . RMA does not take any steps to confirm the identify of any Members. Because Member authentication on the internet is difficult, particularly in cases of fraudulent or misleading conduct, RMA cannot and does not confirm nor warrant or guarantee as to each Member’s purported identity, licences or location. RMA encourages the User to use the Website as a platform to conduct their own enquiries to vet Members to their satisfaction.


12.5  . RMA has no control over the actions of any partner featured on the Website and does not make any representations in respect of their ability to provide any goods or services, and is not responsible for any Loss suffered by the User in their dealings with such featured partners.  


12.6  . The User should seek professional advice from suitability qualified professionals regarding the User's own specific needs.  


12.7  . This disclaimer applies to the fullest extent permitted by law, and shall survive any termination or expiration of these Terms and Conditions or the User’s use of this Website.


13.         Limitation of liability

13.1  . The User uses the Website at its own risk.


13.2  .  To the extent permitted by law, RMA makes no representation and gives no warranty or guarantee as to  the suitability, accuracy, quality, performance or fitness for purpose of the Website (including Advertisements and Items for sale), and any implied warranties and conditions are hereby excluded. Users acknowledge and agree that all such warranties and conditions are excluded.  


13.3  . To the extent permitted by law, RMA excludes all liability of any kind, however arising, for any Loss incurred by the User connected with the use of the Website in any way, including without limitation for any defects or errors, inaccuracies or omissions in the Website, Advertisements or Items. RMA is under no obligation to ensure the Website is up to date and current.   

13.4  . The User hereby releases RMA and our officers, directors, agents, related entities, related bodies corporate, employees and contractors from all Loss suffered by the User or any other person relating to or arising out of the provision of the Website or these Terms and Conditions.


13.5  .  The limitation and exclusion of liability in this clause applies whether the liability claim is based on breach  of contract, under a warranty or an indemnity, tort (including negligence), under statute, in equity or otherwise and applies to the fullest extent permitted by law, and shall survive any termination or expiration of these Terms and Conditions or the User’s use of the Website.


13.6  . To the extent that RMA’s liability for breach of any implied warranty or condition cannot be excluded by law, RMA’s liability will be limited, at RMA’s sole option, to the cost of re-supply of the relevant goods or services, or the amount paid by the User to RMA in the month prior to the liability arising (which may be nil).  


14.         Indemnities

14.1. The User fully indemnifies and holds harmless RMA and our related entities, related bodies corporate, officers, directors, agents, and employees, for any loss, claim or damage of every kind and nature, known and unknown (including legal costs on a solicitor own client basis) and claims made by third parties, incurred by the User for any misuse of the Website and the Intellectual Property or for breach of these Terms and Conditions or any policy, or for the User’s violation of any law or rights of a third party, or otherwise arising directly or indirectly from the User’s use of the Website.  


15.         Security

15.1. Whilst RMA uses its best endeavours to maintain the security of the Website, RMA does not guarantee the security of the Website, RMA’s records, or the User’s information. We disclaim all liability for any computer virus or technological problems that the User suffer as a result of the User’s use of the Website, or any Loss suffered due to any data breach or compromise/misuse of the User’s data that is provided to RMA in connection with the Website. 


16.         Severability

16.1.  Any provision of these Terms and Conditions which is prohibited, void or unenforceable in any jurisdiction  is ineffective as to that jurisdiction to the extent of the prohibition or unenforceability. This does not invalidate the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions nor does it affect the validity or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction.  


17.         No Waiver

17.1. RMA's failure to enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions at any time or for any period of time will not be construed to be a waiver of such provisions or RMA's rights to enforce each and every provision of these Terms and Conditions. A waiver of a power or right shall be ineffective unless it is in writing and signed by RMA.  


18.         Privacy

18.1  . By accessing the Website, the User agrees and acknowledges that RMA will collect or otherwise deal with the personal information of the User in accordance with the Privacy Policy.  


18.2  . Links to Member's websites do not form part of the Website and are not under the control or the responsibility of RMA. If a User links to a Member's website, a User does so at their own risk.  


19.         Jurisdiction

19.1.   These Terms and Conditions will take effect and be construed in all respects in accordance with the laws  of the State of Victoria, Australia. The parties irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of Victoria and Courts competent to hear appeals from them for all proceedings arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions.  


20.         Survival of Conditions

20.1. The provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall continue to apply after the expiration or termination of these Terms and Conditions. 


21.         Assignment

21.1. The User agrees that these Terms and Conditions and all incorporated agreements may be assigned by RMA in its sole discretion without notice. The User may not assign these Terms and Conditions without obtaining RMA’s prior written consent. 


22.         No Adverse Construction

22.1. The User agrees that these Terms and Conditions may not be construed adversely against RMA solely because RMA prepared them. 


23.         About these Terms and Conditions

23.1. These Terms and Conditions are effective as of the date of its publication on the Website. 


We are committed to regularly reviewing these Terms and Conditions to ensure they contain accurate information and we may amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time without notice to you. You should regularly check our Website for our updated Terms and Conditions.