Code Of Ethics

The Code of Ethics of Rural Marketing Agents

rma network, through its members, represents the highest standard of livestock and property agency practice in Australia. Its unceasing aim is that the practice of livestock and property agency be universally recognised as a profession respected and trusted by all. As a necessary move towards this goal rma network recognises the importance of setting out in clear and unambiguous terms its Code of Ethics conduct binding on all members of this Association and stresses that this Code be observed and practised by all its members both in the letter and the spirit as membership is conditional in its strict observance.

Maintenance of the reputation of the Association and of the high standard of ethical practice is the direct responsibility of every member.

The confidential and responsible nature of our work makes it a matter of public concern that the reputation of members for integrity and efficiency should be beyond question.

The prestige of any professional body depends to a great extent upon the ethical standards observed by its individual members, both in their association with one another and in the relationship with the community in general and the duty therefore devolves upon every member to conduct his business in a manner which will effectively uphold and enhance the reputation of the industry.