
Interested in becoming a member?

Membership of the rma network is open to Australian livestock and property agencies where a competing entity does not have a controlling interest, as defined by the rma network constitution. This allows the rma network to remain free of the corporate bodies whilst giving members the network support and opportunities that may otherwise be out of reach as a privately owned agency.

Applicants are required to be nominated and seconded by two existing members of the rma network. A completed application form is to be returned to the General Manager and on receipt, all members of the rma network are given the opportunity to raise any objections. If any objections are raised these are then dealt with by the Executive who have the power to accept/decline any application with no explanation given.

The applicant will be notified in writing when a completed application form is received and again on approval/decline.

Membership is strictly available only to agency businesses that demonstrate the highest standard of professionalism and ethical conduct.

Along with the rma network Marine Transit Scheme, the association is also funded by member's subscriptions which are determined each year by the Board, according to budgeted expenses.

The subscription for the 2020 - 2021 year is $1,300.00 per principal office and $250.00 per branch office. Subscriptions are based on the rma networks tax year May - April. There is also a once only joining fee of $250.00.

You can apply anytime and subscriptions for new memberships are charged pro-rata for the remaining subscription year.

New members of rma network are strongly urged to support the rma network Marine Transit Insurance scheme as all funds raised by the rma network are put back into the network as benefits and services for its members.

If your application is accepted by the Executive, new members are asked to allocate time for all staff to be inducted to the rma network. This will require a visit by an rma network staff member or representative to deliver face-to-face the rma network together with an introductory pack.

Have a query or would like to request an application form?
